Deadline Calculator: Figure out exactly when that deliverable is due!

deadline calculator

How to Calculate Deadlines

When calculating deadlines take your start date and count the number of days from it to your due date. Be sure to exclude weekends and holidays unless you're crazy and work non-stop.

To make the math a little easier for you, I've developed this super simple deadline calculator. To get started, simply enter your starting date, followed by the number of days you told the client the product would be ready.

There is also an option checkbox to exclude weekends and holidays. Once you fill the form out entirely, click the calculate button and your deadline will appear before your eyes.

Leave the option for excluding weekends and holidays checked if you want a legal deadline calculator.

Now that you've got your deadline, here is a quick and simple guide on setting realistic deadlines and meeting them.

Be realistic with your deadlines

One of the most common mistakes in project management is setting unrealistic deadlines. While it may be tempting to promise quick turnarounds and impressive results, failing to account for the complexities of a project can lead to disaster. Here's how you can set realistic deadlines:

1. Understand the Project Scope

Before you can set a deadline, you need a clear understanding of the project's scope. What are the objectives, deliverables, and resources required? Take the time to gather all the necessary information and discuss it with your team.

2. Break Down Tasks

Divide the project into smaller, manageable tasks. This step is crucial because it allows you to estimate the time required for each task accurately. Consider using project management software, like Trello or Asana, to help with task management.

3. Account for Contingencies

No project goes exactly as planned. There will always be unforeseen challenges and obstacles. Factor in some buffer time for these contingencies when setting your deadlines. This cushion can save you from constantly rushing to catch up.

4. Prioritize and Sequence Tasks

Identify the critical path of the project (the sequence of tasks that must be completed in a specific order). Focus on these tasks and allocate more time to them. This ensures that the project's most important aspects receive the attention they deserve.

5. Consult Your Team

Don't make deadline decisions in isolation. Consult with your team members who will be responsible for executing the tasks. They can provide valuable input on the time required, potential challenges, and resource availability.

By following these steps, you can set realistic deadlines that consider the project's scope, potential challenges, and the capabilities of your team. Now, let's move on to the next crucial aspect: effective communication.

Communicate with stakeholders well before your due date

Effective communication is the backbone of successful project management. It ensures that everyone involved is on the same page, understands their roles and responsibilities, and can adapt to any changes or challenges that arise. Here's how you can improve communication throughout your projects:

1. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Start by setting up a communication plan. Determine how information will flow within the team and with external stakeholders. Use tools like email, project management software, and instant messaging apps to facilitate communication.

2. Define Roles and Responsibilities

Make sure that everyone on the team knows their role and responsibilities. Clearly define who is accountable for each task and who needs to be consulted or informed. This reduces confusion and ensures that tasks are completed on time.

3. Regularly Update Stakeholders

Keep all stakeholders informed about the project's progress. This includes milestones reached, challenges faced, and any changes to the project plan. Transparency builds trust and allows for early intervention if issues arise.

4. Encourage Open Communication

Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Encourage open dialogue and be receptive to input from all team members. This can lead to innovative solutions and better problem-solving.

5. Anticipate and Address Issues

Proactive communication is key to preventing issues from escalating. If you foresee any potential problems, address them as soon as possible. Don't wait until the last minute, as this can lead to missed deadlines and increased stress.

Effective communication is not only about sharing information but also about fostering collaboration and maintaining a positive working atmosphere. By implementing these communication strategies, you can ensure that your projects run smoothly and that everyone is aligned toward achieving the desired outcomes.

Tools to Enhance Project Management

As you strive to set realistic deadlines and improve communication, leveraging the right tools can make a significant difference. Here are some recommended project management tools that can streamline your processes:

1. Trello

Trello is a user-friendly project management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to help you organize tasks and track progress. It's particularly useful for visual thinkers and teams that prefer a visual representation of their projects.

2. Asana

Asana is a versatile project management tool that offers a range of features, including task assignments, due dates, and project timelines. It's ideal for teams of all sizes and is known for its flexibility and customization options.

3. is a highly customizable work operating system that allows teams to plan, track, and manage work in one place. It offers various templates and integrations to suit your project management needs.

4. ClickUp

ClickUp is a comprehensive project management platform with features like task management, time tracking, and goal tracking. It's suitable for teams that require a wide range of functionalities in one tool.

By incorporating these tools into your project management process, you can enhance your ability to set realistic deadlines, meet them consistently, and communicate effectively with your team and stakeholders.


Setting realistic deadlines, meeting them, and maintaining effective communication are essential elements of successful project management. By following the strategies outlined in this article and leveraging the recommended project management tools, you can significantly improve your project management skills and achieve better outcomes in your projects.

Remember that success in project management is not just about meeting deadlines but also about delivering quality results and fostering a collaborative and communicative team environment. By striking the right balance, you can lead your projects to success.

For more insights on project management and tools to assist you in your journey, check out my article on the easiest project management tools to use.

Matt Irving is the CEO of Super Easy Tech, LLC.
Matt is the CEO of Super Easy Tech and creator of Super Easy CRM. He is a passionate software engineer, tech blogger, and gamer. Feel free to connect on any of the platforms listed below.

Posted by: Matt Irving on 2/05/2024