Easy Journey Builder
Build v0.17Shapes
Build your customer journey or any other workflow for free using Super Easy CRM's Free Mind Mapping Software. To get started, select your desired shapes from the list below and orient them on the graph as you see fit. Next, link them together by selecting the 'Link' button.
As you add objects they will spawn in the left quadrant of the graph. They stack on top of each other, so you'll need to drag them from their original position to your desired spot(s).
When linking to objects together, you must first click the link button. Once clicked, it will turn orange.
Then, left click the source object and the target to create the flow (arrow) between the two objects.
To delete a link or an object right click it.
To completely start over, select the 'Clear' button.
To save your chart, click the 'Save' button.
And, finally, to rename any object, simply double click it and a popup will appear, prompt you to enter your desired text.
Posted by: Matt Irving on 7/08/2024