Fun Would You Rather Questions: Work Edition!

Would you rather questions safe for work.

Here is a perfectly safe for work set of fun and engaging would you rather questions guaranteed to keep you and your collegues entertained for hours. These questions can make perfect ice breakers or make the next company get togeter you're forced into a little less painful.

Would You Rather Questions For Work

1: Would you rather get 5x your salary for one year and then be unemployed, or keep your current salary for the next 10 years?

2: Would you rather be the smartest person at work and underpaid, or the least skilled but overpaid?

3: Would you rather work at your own company, earning $100K or work at someone else's company, making $250K?

4: Would you rather work 60 hours a week and retire at 45 or work 30 hours a week and retire at 65?

5: Would you rather have a high-stress job with a $600K salary, working long hours under constant pressure, OR Have a low-stress job with a $100K salary, with an easy workload and great work-life balance?

6: Would you rather have a 100% flexible schedule with no benefits or a strict 9-to-5 job with full benefits?

7: Would you rather get paid for productivity only (no hourly/salary) or earn a fixed salary regardless of performance?

8: Would you rather have a high-paying job you dislike or a lower-paying job that you love?

9: Would you rather work 3 days in office and 2 at home or 100% remote with a 10% pay cut?

10: Would you be ghosted by a company after 4 rounds of interviews or get fired during your first week of work?

11: Would you rather have 3 rounds of interviews or 2 interviews and a take home project?

12: Would you rather receive a guaranteed $10,000 bonus each year or have the chance to earn up to 10% of your salary as a bonus, depending on how well the company owners like you?

13: Would you rather have meetings with the camera on or off?

14: Would you rather have 30-minute Zoom meetings with the cameras on or 1 hour calls with no cameras?

15: Would you rather be a manager with a 500k salary or an engineer, with no direct reports with a $475k salary?

16: Would you rather be salaried and work no more than 40 hours per week or hourly and potentially earn an extra 10 hours on your check?

17: Would you rather attend the company Christmas party or give a hour PowerPoint on company values?

18: Would you rather have back to back calls in the afternoon or a one hour meeting as soon as you clock in?

19: Would you rather commit a bank robbery with the manager of the department you work in or the head of the finance department?

20: Would you rather have truly unlimited PTO or a 2% raise on top of your standard annual increase?

More fun work appropriate content awaits at Super Easy CRM

Here are Super Easy we thrive on not only building the world's best productivity enhancing drug (this beauty!) but making work a little more fun. If you enjoyed these would you rather questions, you'll love this super fun and challenging, technology trivia.

Matt Irving is the CEO of Super Easy Tech, LLC.
Matt is the CEO of Super Easy Tech and creator of Super Easy CRM. He is a passionate software engineer, tech blogger, and gamer. Feel free to connect on any of the platforms listed below.

Posted by: Matt Irving on 1/28/2025